Local Orders (South Africa)

Our NoseRings® are designed to assist in the weaning of calves or lambs or goat kids without having to separate the young animal from its mother. They are easy to fit and are reusable. No special equipment is required to fit them. Just put the animal in a neck clamp and put the NoseRing® in the nose and tighten. The NoseRings® are held in place by a wing nut and bolt that tightens the plastic ring in the nose. The NoseRing® does not pierce the nose and the tension in the plastic acts as a lock nut so it will not come undone. It is recommended that the rings be left in for 4-6 weeks for cattle and 2 weeks for sheep and goats, depending on the type of animal being weaned. These NoseRings® are reusable if stored properly. Some have been used for up to eight weaning seasons. Please note that a small percentage of breakages must be expected. 

Cattle: Price List (exc VAT) (inc 15% VAT)
1 to 199 R26,50 each
R30,48 each  
200 to 499
R23,85 each R27,43 each
500 to 999
R22,50 each R25,88 each
1000 or more R21,20 each R24,38 each
3000 or more R19,90 each R22,89 each

Old, worn or broken calf NoseRings® returned to me will be replaced at a 20% discount R 21-20 each (exc VAT) R 24-38 each (inc VAT). These prices exclude postage/delivery charges, which will depend on the number of NoseRings® required. Please contact me to confirm your order and I can confirm the postage costs. Please note, terms are strictly payment on order – NoseRings® will only be sent once confirmation of payment has been received.

Sheep: Price List (exc VAT) (inc 15% VAT)
1 to 499  R10,25 each R11,79 each
500 to 1499  R8,20 each R9,43 each
1500 or more R7,25 each R8,86 each

These prices exclude postage/delivery charges, which will depend on the number of NoseRings® required. Please contact me to confirm your order and I can confirm the postage costs. Please note, terms are strictly payment on order – NoseRings® will only be sent once confirmation of payment has been received.

Contact Us For Local Orders

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NoseRing® Distributors

NoseRing® are available in South Africa from any Co-op, veterinary supply store or your local veterinarian.

South Africa


Address: Suite 12; Private Bag X2; Lonehill; 2062
Tel: +27 011 704 7218

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Tel: +264 061 237356

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Tel: +260 021 125 4497

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Australia/ New Zealand


Easy Wean Pty Ltd
ABN 36 107 533 086
7 Bligh Street,
Kilkivan, Qld 4600; AUSTRALIA
Tel: +61 1300 EasyWean (1300 327993)

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