JD van der Vyver

If you want to, for example, wean a first calver’s calf a little earlier to give the mother a bit of a break, you just apply a NoseRing and leave the calf with its mother. In addition, the NoseRing gives you the flexibility to further wean selectively according to birth date. Over a calving season of three months, there is a huge difference between the first calves and the last ones. The NoseRing makes it possible for the last calves to also reach the ideal weaning weight.

My experience is that you don’t have any weight loss during weaning with the NoseRing on the one hand, and on the other, that you have the flexibility to increase your profits in some years by not having to sell your calves when the market is flooded by other sellers. I am very excited about the NoseRing.

JD van der Vyver farms on Brandwag in the Vryburg district.

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NoseRing® Distributors

NoseRing® are available in South Africa from any Co-op, veterinary supply store or your local veterinarian.

South Africa


Address: Suite 12; Private Bag X2; Lonehill; 2062
Tel: +27 011 704 7218

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Tel: +264 061 237356

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Tel: +260 021 125 4497

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Australia/ New Zealand


Easy Wean Pty Ltd
ABN 36 107 533 086
7 Bligh Street,
Kilkivan, Qld 4600; AUSTRALIA
Tel: +61 1300 EasyWean (1300 327993)

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